
Battery care: 8 tips you can do to make any battery last longer

As far as battery maintenance goes, I’m the worst ever.Dell laptop battery I can’t even begin to count the number of times I’ve needed to jump on my lap-top, use my cell phone or any other portable electronic device, only to find myself in the unenviable position of having no juice left on the battery. Simply put, I overuse, poorly maintain, and all in all just wear down all of the batteries I need like it’s going out of style.

These bad habits usually leave me powerless when I most need power, Dell RY6WH Laptop Battery so I asked around and came out with these 8 simple things you can do to make any battery last longer.

1. Fully charge and discharge all of your batteries.

Try to avoid “topping off” the battery if there’s enough of a charge in there to get by, then remove the battery or unplug from the charger only after it has had a chance to trickle charge at 100%, and your battery will last 2 or 3 years easily.

2. Use the lowest brightness settings on screen displays.

This will not work in bright areas like out doors, but sure works well indoors. Cell phones, lap-tops, and even watches have brightness controls that will help stretch the life of any battery.

3. Use programs that take less RAM and keep useless programs closed.

A lot of laptops come with cluttered programs since the day you take them home from the store. Stuff like Yahoo messenger or Firefox with 20 tabs open takes a lot of RAM and eats up batteries super fast.

4. Keeping the volume level on all of your music playing devices is key to a longer battery life.

You’ll be amazed at how much life loud music sucks out of your battery. This will also do wonders in preserving your ear-drums as well.

5. To go with #4, also turn down the volume on your cell-phone ringer.

Long ring-tones may sound cool, but hearing your favorite song play every time your phone rings will drain your battery in a hurry.

6. I’ve always heard that when you get a new laptop, or anything with a rechargeable battery for that matter, you should charge it over night.

Pull that bad boy out of the box and give it a nice, long, healthy charge. Even if it says full, leave it in and charging for a while.

7. Turn off your Bluetooth whenever you’re not using it.

This can be an easy one to forget about if you’re often switching between using a Bluetooth, and the phone’s ear piece. Most people use their Bluetooth way too much anyhow, so cutting back on it’s use will lengthen the life of your battery.

8. Lastly, just using basic common sense will help extend the life of all of your batteries.

If you’re not using it, turn it off!(Dell RY6WH Laptop Battery)If you don’t need it, get rid of it! This is probably the most practical and applicable way to get the most out of all of your batteries.


How to Test a Laptop Power Adapter

Laptops are powered either by their batteries or by connecting to a power adapter and plugging the adapter into the wall. When using an adapter, the adapter is supplying power to the laptop and charging the battery at the same time. Laptop power adapters, also called “AC adapters”, are typically small boxes with two cords coming out of them; one end connects to the laptop, and the other end plugs into a power outlet on a wall or a power strip. You can test the adapter to see if it is generating power for the laptop.

1.Plug the adapter into the wall outlet or power strip. If using a power strip, make sure the strip is on. Asus AD820M0 AC Adapter Most laptop power adapters have a small LED light; the light will illuminate when power is being transferred from the outlet to the adapter. If the light illuminates, chances are you have sufficient power to supply your laptop.

2.Wiggle the power cord if the LED light did not initially illuminate. If the light turns on and off when you wiggle it, you might have a loose cord in the adapter, or the outlet could be faulty.

3.Plug the adapter into another power outlet, preferably a different circuit in another room, Asus AD820M0 AC Adapter if the LED light did not illuminate the first time. If it lights up from the second outlet, the first outlet either does not work or other devices were using too much power on the initial circuit.

4.Connect the other end of the adapter to the laptop and turn the laptop on. When the computer starts up, you should see an indication of how the laptop is being powered in the lower right-hand corner. If you see a battery icon, then the laptop is being powered by the battery, not the adapter. Make sure both ends of the adapter are securely connected. If they are, and if the LED light on the adapter is lit, then you likely have a faulty wire that is not properly connecting to your computer. If you see a plug or adapter icon, then the laptop is successfully being powered by the adapter. If the LED light on the adapter is not lit, then the bulb is out, but the adapter is still working.